Terms and Conditions
Individual tuition
The fees for individual tuition are as specified on the Polymath Tutor website http://www.polymathtutor.com/fees/
If more than one student is present for a tutorial the hourly rate will be 1.5 x the hourly rate for individual tuition
Payment is due at the end of each tutorial and may be made in cash, cheque or bank transfer
Forty-eight hours notice is required to cancel a tutorial, otherwise the full fee will be charged. The forty-eight hours is measured from the start of the cancelled tutorial.
For insurance reasons, the tutor is not be left in sole charge of any student under the age of sixteen
The tutor reserves the right to finish a tutorial early in the event of unacceptable behaviour from the student e.g. physical or verbal aggression
Students are to keep mobile phones on silent and in airplane mode for the duration of the tutorial